聯生藥愛滋病抗體新藥UB-421多國多中心三期臨床試驗獲泰國FDA核准進行聯生藥愛滋病抗體新藥UB-421多國多中心三期臨床試驗獲泰國FDA核准進行more -
聯生藥與美國奇異公司再度攜手,將於揚州打造先進單株抗體藥物生產基地聯生藥與美國奇異公司再度攜手,將於揚州打造先進單株抗體藥物生產基地more -
UBP Construction Plan to start on new facility for biopharmaceutical manufacturing in China
UBP Construction Plan to start on new facility for biopharmaceutical manufacturing in ChinaUBP Construction Plan to start on new facility for biopharmaceutical manufacturing in Chinamore -
United Neuroscience to Present at the 20th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Experimental Neurotherapeutics
United Neuroscience to Present at the 20th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Experimental NeurotherapeuticsUnited Neuroscience to Present at the 20th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Experimental Neurotherapeuticsmore -
United Neuroscience Announces Development Plans for Vaccine to Prevent CTE
Vaccine to Progress from Current Animal Studies to First Clinical Study Next Year
NFL Broadcaster Solomon Wilcots to Team with Chief Medical Officer Ajay Verma to Discuss Program Opportunity This Week in MinneapolisUnited Neuroscience Announces Development Plans for Vaccine to Prevent CTEmore -
United Neuroscience’s Mei Mei Hu Interviewed by MSNBC’s Ali Velshi
United Neuroscience’s Mei Mei Hu Interviewed by MSNBC’s Ali VelshiUnited Neuroscience’s Mei Mei Hu Interviewed by MSNBC’s Ali Velshimore -
The Powerhouse of Immunotherapy 聯亞集團將於12月7日-10日參與台灣醫療科技展
The Powerhouse of Immunotherapy
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聯生藥榮獲衛生福利部疾病管制署 「實驗室生物風險管理系統研究計畫」楷模獎
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聯生藥愛滋病抗體新藥UB-421之多國多中心三期臨床試驗已完成台灣、中國與泰國地區之申請聯生藥愛滋病抗體新藥UB-421之多國多中心三期臨床試驗已完成台灣、中國與泰國地區之申請more -
聯腦科學於2017 阿茲海默症臨床試驗會議(Clinical Trials on Alzheimer’s Disease, CTAD)發表UB-311疫苗第二期人體臨床試驗數據
聯腦科學於2017 阿茲海默症臨床試驗會議(Clinical Trials on Alzheimer’s Disease, CTAD)發表UB-311疫苗第二期人體臨床試驗數據聯腦科學於2017 阿茲海默症臨床試驗會議(Clinical Trials on Alzheimer’s Disease, CTAD)發表UB-311疫苗第二期人體臨床試驗數據more